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网罩排风扇 (FZC)

Propellers fans with basker guard grill

本排风扇由电动机、风叶和高强度安装安全两用网罩二部分组成,结构紧凑、连接牢固、风量大、安装使用方便等特点。专用于冷冻机 械行业。也可广泛用于地面自动控电焊、电气设备等的通风散热。

The fan is consist of the two parts propellers fan and the installation of hig h-strength safety basket guard g rilles. It's advantage are compact structure, strong connectivity, wind capacity, the adva ntages of easy installation, etc. It specially used in refrigeration machinery industry. It also widely used in various ground automatic devices, welding, electrical equipment, heat ventilation.